What is Chapter 115?

Under Chapter 115 of Massachusetts General Laws (M.G.L ch.115), the Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides a uniform program of financial and medical assistance for veterans and their dependents. Qualifying veterans and their dependents receive necessary financial assistance for food, shelter, clothing fuel, and medical care in accordance with a formula that takes into account the number of dependents and income from all sources. 

The Chapter 115 checklist:

  1. DD214
  2. Income verification (3 months of bank statements and any other documents showing monthly income)
  3. Shelter verification (rent receipt or mortgage payment)
  4. Most recent Social Security letter

To Establish Relationship as a Veteran’s Dependent

  1. Marriage certificate (spouse or widow/widower of a veteran)
  2. Birth Certificate or adoption record with the name of the eligible veteran as the parent (for a child of a veteran)
  3. Death Certificate (for widow/widower of a veteran, child of a deceased veteran)
  4. Birth certificate of the veteran with his/her name of parent (for the parent of a veteran)